J. Javier Ruiz-Pernía

J. Javier Ruiz-Pernía

Group member

Javier Ruiz-Pernia obtained his BsC(2002) and his European PhD(2007) in chemistry from Universitat of Valencia under the supervision of professor Iñaki Tuñón. His PhD was involved in the QM/MM methodology development and its application in proton transfers and addition reactions in enzymes. In 2007, he moved to the University of Bath, Somerset (UK) to his postdoctoral research under the supervision of Prof. Ian H Williams where his work was focused on the kinetic isotope effects averaging in organic and enzymatic reactions by means of QM/MM methods simulations. In 2010, he joined a Juan de la Cierva contract at Universitat Jaume I of Castellón (biocomp group) where he studied the effects of the hydrostatic pressure in the mechanism properties and the environment global role in the advance of the chemical processes. In 2014, he joined a postdoctoral position in Universidade do Sao Carlos (UFsCAR, Brazil) in professor Elson Longo’s group where he developed an application of QM/MM methods for nanomaterials synthesis. In 2016, he joined a national project for young researches in UJI (biocomp group). Since 2017, he is working as Lecturer in Universitat de Valencia into professor Tuñon’s group.

  • Environment effects in chemical reactivity
  • Enzymatic reaction mechanisms
  • PhD in chemistry, 2007

    Universidad de Valencia
